Monash business and commerce students' society clayton

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BCSS Careers

Empowering Student Success

Join BCSS for professional growth, networking opportunities, and a vibrant community of like-minded individuals.

Careers Guide 2024

The Careers Guide is an annual publication designed to simplify and streamline your search for vacation and graduate positions. The 2024 guide contains a wealth of information about prominent firms that are looking for students like you! Find out what companies offer, what kind of students they are looking for, and how and when you should apply.

The Business and Commerce Students’ Society (BCSS) & Commerce Students’ Society (CSS) 2024 Careers Guide includes:

  • 30+ pages of comprehensive information regarding: what to study, where to apply and how to apply.

  • Submissions from 19 firms – covering Professional Services, Financial Services, Consulting, Commercial, and Marketing.

Get the relevant information straight from the firms.

  • Relevant, easy to read and easy to understand information.

  • Designed for students of ALL year levels.


CSSWith whom we partnered to bring you this guide

Ben FrewenDirector of Sponsorship (Monash BCSS) who has worked tirelessly to bring valuable opportunities to everyone

Cara Lobo Director of Publications (Monash BCSS) for collaborating with sponsors and designing this guide in an easy and navigable format

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